Minnesota Twins - The Underestimated

After a rough couple of years in the Twin Cities, the Minnesota Twins needed a campaign with a message they could get behind. One that said something not only about the team, but also about the place they come from. I, along with my team at Los York decided to push off the misconception that they are a small market team from a flyover state, and well, underestimated— not only as a team, but also as a city and a people. It’s this misconception that fuels the Twins to be better, work harder, and even be a little cocky.

To make this idea come to life, I worked with an amazing team including animators and designers, including Laura Pol, whose vision to create this new take on 8-bit nostalgia, glitching visuals, and bold type treatments really pushed this campaign into a new territory.

In addition to an anthem, I created specific spots for players, and for the game experience, allowing the campaign to feel fresh and last all season long.

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